Thursday, April 21, 2011



Who knows what my skills are I’m so focused on the fucking words and not know what they even mean
All I see is the WORD just the word but what the fuck does it mean???
What does “detail oriented” mean??
What does “analytical” really mean?
What does “knowledge of self” really mean?
All I see is the word the combination of letters and I know their sounds phonetically but that’s it!!!!  What the fuck man????
I take things so literally and act mechanically in instances don’t like to be that way
Need to find another way to be
I’m too conscious of things that I do and therefore it causes me to falter doing them
If that’s even the right word
I’m tired of validating the meaning of words before I use them
I don’t remember their definitions anyway!
Why can’t thoughts and ideas flow easily or at least a little more effortlessly dammit?
I need to see myself in someone else’s eyes so I can appreciate myself more
How do I GET OUT OF MY HEAD??????????????

What is my purpose on this earth??  When will this purpose be fulfilled??
Now that I’m out of a job, I don’t know what direction to go in
I want to something meaningful…but I also need to have money
I’m tired of having to use certain words to “sound” a certain way
Who gives a fuck about that shit?
Why should I be judged based on the words I use?
Who’s better than someone else based on the words they use or whether or not they can spell?
How about I stop judging these people?  They seem to be doing much better off than I am!
They know their talents and they go after it!!

Ugh!!! I hate the ego!! Go away ego!! Diminish so I can be FREEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!  PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE EGO!!!!!!!!!
Why do people in this world measure one person against the next???  We are all unique!!!!

I hate names, labels classifications!! They were probably only meant for things and then got out of control and applied to people!!! Not fair! Not right!!!
Humans need to change!!!  I ache!!!! Ego leave!!! You are the source of my hurt!!  If you didn’t exist, the world would a better place!! Who invented you?? They need to come back and get you!

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